Wednesday 2 July 2008


SO, we arrived in Helsingborg tonight. Easy drive with no problems. We met up with Dan, a friend of Tobbe who is letting us sleep in his office for the night... we thank Dan big time!

We went for a little walk and found a stand-up comedian performing at a place, but he wasn't that funny so we left. It's wednsday and not that much happening here, so we are just hanging at the office.

Tomorrow the plan is to take the ferry over to Helsingör and down to Tivoli... I'll get back to you from the road.

1 comment:

Anna Osk Extra said...

Sounds like fun...yehh I have a good friend in Helsingborg I could have hooked you up..she is cute and single haha..oh well too bad I read this too late,
Have fun!
ps was watching a show on Nirvana Curt Cobain and R.E.M funny that you posted that you were maybe going for a concert...hmm thought of you actually...was thinking I should ask you to make me a cd with Grunge music :o) hehe..well if you are bored one night...