Wednesday 4 July 2007

Ireland – Day 1: Journey has begun

Oh dear lord o mighty - we barely made it to the airport. There were times we certainly didn’t think we’d make it AT ALL. Seriously (…no…) - if anyone knows - could you please let us know if Andreas baby sister made it back alive? We are sincerely worried for her… and everyone else on the roads in Sweden! :)


Its 21:14 and we have just hi-jacked the airport – well - their Wi-Fi at least. Those bastards had the frikkin decency to rob us out of 40 SEK for thirty minutes – then they charged you for the time it took to register! Helloooo…. News flash, internet is supposed to be free *deeeewdes*? Like, totally!
People are starting to check in now – and so will we.


Arrival at Dublin Airport – surprise surprise, its raining – like, what the hell? Well this is going to be FUN.
Damn – just realized we’ve forgotten our golf clubs. Which apparently are the ONLY reason you’d want to go to Ireland – except of course for the kilts, scotch and the Jewish museum of Ireland in Dublin?

After standing in the taxi line for an hour we got a 30 minute drive to the hotel – check in – and run down to Statoil at 1 o clock to buy some food. Pringles, juice, coke and cookies have to do the trick!

Time to catch some sleep – over and out from Dublin, Ireland – the country that god decided to take a constant piss on!

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