Wednesday 4 July 2007

Ireland – Day 2: Shopping spree and R.E.M

Captains star log – stars are aligned just perfect. It’s going to be a wonderful day with lots of sun and nice surprises…

The plan for the day is to go down to Dublin centre and feel the flow of the town. Watch some stores, parks and museums… yeah you know –adult stuff…

After a steady breakfast at the hotel consisting of toasted bread with jam, yoghurt and some suspicious cereals we felt ready to take the cab down town. Riding the car it really hits you how narrow the roads are down here – just like England – and it occur to us that soon we will have to ride these roads ourselves as the plan is to rent a car and drive around in the country… as if driving on the left side isn’t hard enough…

We tell the driver to drop us off on some street with lots of stores and the driver’s first question is if we want “quality” or “cheap stuff”… we, of course, laugh at him telling him we are Swedish super stars that require real quality stuff. I think he was kidding with us considering where he dropped us off…
Dublin centre has it uniqueness for sure – with its old buildings, crafty signs for stores etc. – but it’s not like you’re blown of your seat you know… Prices seem to be pretty much the same as if you’d be in Stockholm by the way – it’s not like it’s so much more expensive as they let you believe.

After spending an hour or two at a shopping centre we head for the park and the first rain hits us. Maaaaan – like, where the hell did it come from anyways? We decide to get out of the park and head back to the shopping centre for some food. We go for the fast food as Andreas and Daniel goes for the lamb with chips I go for the curry chicken. We are all delighted with the food and decide to head off to our first “adult matters” – the national museum of Ireland it is!

National Museum of Ireland - we are talking medieval here – lots of old swords and jewelry and really not much else to say about that. It was in fact, quite boring if you ask us. The museums here are pretty close, it’s not like you have to take a cab or anything – and we decide that the next stop will be Books of Kells at Trinity College. Andreas begged us to go, and it took a lot of convincing and moaning before we actually let him. Once there we get informed that it will cost us 8 euros a head just to get in! Hellloooo, museums should be free?
Once again we let Andreas convince us to get in – only to find out that we get 10 minutes of “quality time” (notice the quotation marks here) looking at old war advertisement and recruiting posters (which btw was pretty funny though) and books of ufm… bullsh1t stuff… oh well, at least we gave it a chance!

After torching some books in pure protest over the overrated entry costs we suddenly stumble across the Star Wars Death Star in the middle of the city! How weird is that? We waited for Darth Vader for two hours, but I think Daniel scared him away with one of his sounds (think Chewbacca), so we went on to this next place that turned out to be a lot longer walk than we had first thought.

Oh – and by the way, did I tell you it started raining again? Probably like 10 times over this period – and now all of a sudden, as if god wasn’t doing a piss poor job already with the weather (literary) he was for sure bringing on the heavy artillery!
Our Swedish umbrellas was no near to stand up to this rain as winds was just too hard and we ducked for cover, from both the rain and the on going traffic, we passed bridge after bridge after… well you get the point just trying to tell a story that isn’t there to tell… and suddenly we were there! This place was so worth it as we went from hall to hall watching firearms, stories of old generals and other stuff we men tend to like. Or how about those 2 ton artillery - HELL YEAH! Semper fi!... or something…

We decided to take a cab back to the centre as time was running short for the R.E.M. concert. We grabbed some Chinese fast-food – it tasted crap - and then we head for the Internet Café around the corner to wait for the ambition to the R.E.M. – Time went by and Tobbe grabs a cab back to the hotel as he didn’t have tickets to the concert and Andreas/Daniel goes to take the line…

(Andreas note: The concert, that wasn’t really a concert more an invitation to a band rehearsal was FANTASTIC, they tried their new material on us - and I for one loved it - and they also mixed in some old songs, like the Auctioneer - from their first album - my favorite song! It was so well worth the trip all the way to Ireland).

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