Wednesday 4 July 2007

Ireland – Day 3: Lets hit the road Jack….errr

After breakfast we made a quick exit from the hotel – Tara Towers – by taking a cab to Hertz Rent-a-Car. After some trouble with VISA cards and insurance matters we manage to pick up a Fiat Punto (haha) that only Daniel is allowed to drive due to his age and insurance issues (not that it matters to the rest of the group).
After a shaky start for Daniel he manages to find the pace rather quickly on the road as we hit the N7 that leads to Cork County.

As Daniel reminds us that we were suppose to do some sightseeing as well, not just drive from A to B so we find this place called Dunmore Caves that is a very old and cool cave that was believed to have been worked as a shelter during the attacks of Vikings (us that is). Quite surprised when they started talking down to us Vikings on how dumb “we were”, we soon let them know the REAL story about the cave. Seems to us that they have been ignoring the facts, making up stories for too long and that somebody needed to put the facts straight for once! Lets face it, to everyone else it is quite obvious why the men would put the – and notice now – the women, seniors and children in a cave in a country full of pubs!!! Jeeeesch, what morons…

By the way, Irish women are really pale and not so keen on the eye if you know what we mean…


We find our way to Kilkenny where we find a nice hostel to stay at as we hit the movie screen and watch Fantastic Four 2. Worth mentioning, the brewery in town makes Guinness, not Kilkenny.


Andreas and Daniel has now planned a whole bunch of stuff to do for the rest of the week, and I have been promised to go see the Japanese garden, greatest in Europe they say. The rest is up to them now as we will turn off and hit the bed with two other unknown species…

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